Graham Bulock


CYT 200

A strong leader by example - always finding ways to reach back with a supportive hand - Graham has found that his life experience, education and personal wellness journey could all be put into service. With an origin story that defies odds and reason, Graham survived a near fatal motorcycle accident that left him paralyzed. Ultimately this tragedy would lead him on a unique path into Yoga that shifted his journey to radically different horizons. The Yogic practices and philosophies would push him to serious personal healing, inspire powerful apprenticeships and blossom into a life of continued learning and service.

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” - B.K.S. Iyengar

From being told he would never walk again to doing headstands, Graham’s character & determination from a youth spent in sports and in the U.S. Army were foundational to the grit it took to him get back on his feet. He went on to study Yoga in San Diego & Baja California, where he eventually began teaching & working locally in clinics providing classes & therapies for individuals in recovery for addiction & PTSD.

During this time studying and working in Mexico, he found himself immersed as a student of the Sweat Lodge, which was an initiation into learning another ancient technique of healing the mind and body through discipline and natural methods. Yoga and Sweat Lodge have become a way of life for Graham.

“One of the most important lessons I have learned through all of this is that everything along our healing journey requires some level of sacrifice.” he says, “Through the offering of these practices, we can access incredible healing, well being and peace.”

Today, he shares these transformative experiences with an ever expanding enthusiasm. Graham continues to approach this work with the curiosity & humility of a student as he teaches & inspires those around him to find their way to developing personal discipline and devotion to a daily practice.

Crissa Sigl


RYT 500

Tanya Charfen


RYT 500



IG Quote post
Two women relaxing before class
Amended Schedule IG post